Networking Is Dead Long Live Networking
Released on: February 11, 2008, 3:55 am
Press Release Author: apt marketing & pr ltd
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: 'Networking' has become a dirty word in the business community, but a new 'advocacy model' from NRG could provide a much-needed 'shot-in-the-arm' for the tired old format.
Press Release Body: Many business people have become tired of networking. They are fed up with rooms full of 'professionals', swapping business cards, delivering awkward presentations and making small talk. People are usually desperate for quick sales, and make little effort to give anything back. When their expectations fail to be met, participants feel they've wasted their time and can even go cold on the whole idea of networking.
NRG's advocacy model encourages members to think long term. To expect one network meeting to generate immediate business sales is unrealistic, except perhaps for tradesmen or simple product sellers. NRG believes great networking is about creating trust and familiarity. This approach will foster partnerships, increase business opportunity and bring sustained success. The introduction of \'speed networking\' sounded the death knell of the format. As with its 'dating' counterpart, participants get around three minutes to sell themselves amidst the buzz of a crowded room. Business cards are then swapped and participants move onto their next \'victim\'. NRG is completely opposed to this approach, preferring to look at a long-term, sustainable solution. The advocacy model is about building trust, forming relationships and, over time, earning recommendations and referrals. Online networking is clearly the next 'big thing', with sites like \'linkedin\' leading the way. NRG has embraced this relatively new medium, and is developing online tools to give its members a more rounded experience. However, the national networking specialist is adamant that online interaction should supplement, not replace, the traditional format. Rather than give up on face-to-face networking, NRG is urging business people to simply adopt a more honest approach.
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Contact Details: Andrew Lacey apt marketing & pr 01242 250692
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